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Healthcast : A new study on people getting screened for lung cancer

Many people who should be screened for lung cancer aren’t getting checked. A new study from the American Society of Clinical Oncology meeting showed just 2-percent of nearly 8 million eligible smokers get tested.  Researchers said thousands of lives could be saved each year if patients have annual CT scans. 

A new study found a diet rich in vegetables, fruit, nuts and fish may increase brain volume. Greater brain volume is linked to better cognitive skills so researchers believe a healthy diet is a good strategy to keep older adults mentally sharp.

Exercise does not slow cognitive impairment for people with dementia. That’s according to researchers in the United Kingdom, who found that while moderate exercise improved physical fitness, it did not stop the decline of brain function.

Sources : 
1 – American Society of Clinical Oncology
2 – American Academy of Neurology
3 – BMJ