When doctors prescribe addictive painkillers for minor injuries, they may be feeding into the nation’s opioid epidemic. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania tracked patients treated in emergency rooms for ankle sprains. Those who received 30 or more pain pills were twice as likely to refill their prescriptions than those who received less than 15. 

The American Cancer Society released its latest report card on cancer prevention and detection. It shows 15 percent of adults were cigarette smokers as of 2015, and about seven out of ten adults are overweight or obese. As for cancer screenings, 50 percent of women over 40 reported having a mammogram within the past year. 

High calorie drinks are known to be a key factor in weight gain. Researchers said swapping just one sugary soft drink or beer a day with a glass of water can reduce the risk of becoming obese by 20 percent. The study tracked more than 15,000 adults and was presented at the European Congress on Obesity.


1 – Annual meeting of Society for Academic Emergency Medicine

2 – American Cancer Society

3 – European Congress on Obesity