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Healthcast : A Study on Teens with High Blood Pressure

People with schizophrenia are three times more likely to die younger than the general population according to a new Canadian study. Researchers said people with schizophrenia tend to smoke more, drink more alcohol, have poor diets and exercise less.

The American Heart Association said teenagers with high blood pressure have a higher risk of damaging their heart and blood vessels. Researchers studied 180 teenagers and found evidence of organ damage even among teens with blood pressure levels on the high end of what are considered normal levels.

With more teenagers getting tattoos and piercings, the American Academy of Pediatrics issued its first ever recommendations. Among them: teens should make sure the salon is sterile, clean and reputable; they should ask for information about how to care for their tattoo or piercing; and they should understand tattoos and piercings might hurt their chances of getting a job.

1 – Canadian Medical Association Journal
2 – American Heart Association
3 – American Academy of Pediatrics