Even if you’re not strictly vegetarian, a diet that’s heavy on plant-based foods may protect you from obesity. New research at this year’s European Congress on Obesity tracked more than 9,600 middle aged and elderly adults. Those whose diets were heavy on fruit, vegetables, and nuts, rather than meat and dairy, had less body fat.

Even boys that are a healthy weight are becoming less physically fit. A study of 11-year olds in Spain measured their heart rates while they ran. It found they were significantly less fit than boys their age 20-years ago. Researchers said there needs to be more of a focus on child fitness, not just weight.

Using tablets in the evening may hurt the quality of your sleep. A study in Boston said the light from screens makes people less sleepy in the evenings so that they stay awake on average half an hour later. They are then less alert in the first hour after waking up.

Sources : 
1. European Congress on Obesity
2. European Congress on Obesity
3. Physiological Reports