Soccer players who frequently hit the ball with their heads are three times more likely to suffer symptoms of concussion than players who don’t. Previous research suggested concussion injuries are mainly from accidental collisions, but a study in the journal Neurology said heading is related to symptoms including headache, confusion and dizziness.
New research found hormone treatment can improve the long term survival of men with recurrent prostate cancer. The study in the New England Journal of Medicine applies to men who’ve had prostate surgery, followed by radiation. Researchers said adding hormone therapy can reduce the risk of the cancer spreading and extend the patient’s life.
For patients with kidney failure, increasing the amount of dialysis does not appear to improve its benefits. Researchers in Australia increased dialysis exposure to 24 hours a week, which is twice the standard. They found no improvement in overall quality of life. 
Sources :
1 – Neurology
2 – New England Journal of Medicine
3 – Journal of the American Society of Nephrology