An International Team Of Respiratory Doctors And Scientists called for an immediate ban on flavorings for electronic-cigarettes and marketing aimed at young people. The group said more and more studies show e-cigarettes are addictive and can lead to teen smoking.    

New research at the Cleveland Clinic found a drug used to treat Leukemia and Lymphoma can also treat the most common and deadliest type of brain tumor. In testing, the drug Ibrutinib slowed brain tumor growth and extended survival 10 times the rate of chemotherapy.

Long term exercise is the best way to stay mentally sharp.   Researchers in Minneapolis looked at several studies and found at least 52 hours of exercise over about 6 months improved brain processing speed.  People who exercised 34 hours or less over the same time did not show any cognitive improvement.

1. European Lung Foundation
2. Cleveland Clinic
3. American Academy Of Neurology