Dieting continuously might not be the most effective way to shed pounds according to researchers at the University of Tasmania. They studied one group that cut calories without a break and another group that dieted two weeks on then took two weeks off. The group that took breaks lost more weight and had better success keeping the pounds off after the trial was over.
A new study in the journal Child Development showed teenagers aren’t growing up as fast as they used to. Researchers looked at how often today’s adolescents engaged in adult activities including drinking, working, driving, and having sex compared to teens of decades past. They found teens in the 2010s are taking longer to become involved in adult responsibilities and pleasures. The authors said the time teens are spending online may be behind the trend.
Pet owners caring for seriously ill animals may feel an impact on their own health. Researchers called it the “caregiver burden” and it’s not unlike what people experience when taking care of a sick family member. The team from Kent State University found stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression in owners of pets with chronic or terminal disease.
1 – International Journal of Obesity
2 – Journal of Child Development
3 – Journal: Veterinary Record