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Help Comfort Keepers and Meals on Wheels with the Feed Seniors Now Program

The Comfort Keepers of Lubbock are starting the Feed Seniors Now initiative which they have partnered with Lubbock Meals on Wheels to give seniors a weekend sack of food so they do not have to leave their house. 

Comfort Keepers of Lubbock’s main objective is to keep seniors in their house so they bring food and supplies to their houses. Lubbock Meals on Wheels Weekend Sack Program aims to make sure that everyone has what they need during the times that no one is delivering food. The Weekend Sack Program has everything that one person would need to make it through the weekend without leaving their house. 

Comfort Keepers of Lubbock kicked off the Feed Seniors now with an open house on August 26th and will continue to have activities during the coming months. You can find more information at www.lubbock-411.comfortkeepers.com.