Lubbock Police on Wednesday said Florita Rivas, 54 and Isabel Cantu Rivas, 24 were arrested on theft charges related to their house cleaning business.
Police said they are suspected of stealing items including jewelry from homes they were hired to clean.
One of the homes was in the 8600 block of County Road 6935. A Texas Tech ring with three diamonds – worth $800.00 according to a police report – was among the items taken. A Texas Tech HSC ring – also worth $800.00 according to a police report – was also taken.
Many other expensive items were also listed.
Another home was in the 5900 block of 101st Street. A police report said a ruby and diamond necklace worth $1,000 was taken. A senor ring worth $199 was also taken along with many other expensive items according to a police report.
“We believe there may be additional theft victims,” police said. “If anyone believes they may be the victim of a theft from these arrestees, they need to call our Property Crimes Section at 775-2769.”