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HPWD & USGS Partner to Conduct Geophysical Logging of the Dockum Aquifer Wells

The High Plains Underground Water Conservation District (HPWD) is partnering with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to conduct geophysical logging of up to 15 water wells completed in the Dockum Aquifer within the district’s service area.
The year-long project is part of an increased emphasis by the HPWD Board of Directors to gain a better understanding of the quality and quantity of groundwater stored in the Dockum Aquifer within the district.
HPWD is providing $48,000 of the estimated $58,000 to conduct logging in the 15 wells.  The remainder is provided by the USGS.
Geophysical logs will be made in a maximum of five uncased and 10 cased Dockum wells in these counties. 
Data collected in uncased wells includes caliper, natural gamma, resistivity, water temperature, water resistivity, and full wave sonic.   Data collected in steel cased wells includes caliper, casing collar locator, natural gamma, water temperature, and water resistivity.
USGS personnel from the San Angelo and Fort Worth offices will conduct the logging. 
“Landowners or operators planning to drill a well into the Dockum Aquifer are encouraged to contact the HPWD office for possible participation in this project.  We want to have a better understanding of the Dockum Aquifer within the district,” said General Manager Jason Coleman.
Created in 1951 by local residents and the Texas Legislature, the High Plains Underground Water Conservation District No.1 is charged with the responsibility of conserving, preserving, protecting, and preventing waste of groundwater within its 16-county service area. HPWD is the first groundwater conservation district created in Texas. 
(Press release from the High Plains Underground Water Conservation District)