LUBBOCK, Texas — On Tuesday, the Lubbock City Council will hear the second and final reading to allow alcohol sales at certain grocery stores and drug stores. The update is meant to reflect changes in state law.

“This includes allowing the on-premise sale of alcohol as an incidental use in grocery stores and drug stores and removing the prohibition of alcohol sales through a pass-out window,” public records said.

More specifically, the ordinance will allow for alcohol sales that are “incidental” to drug stores, grocery stores of 3,000 square feet or less, or grocery stores between 3,000 and 35,000 square feet – assuming, of course, that other state and local regulations are also met.

These new categories would allow for both on-premise as well as off-premise alcohol consumption.

Portions of the current city ordinance that prohibit pass-out or delivery windows will go away.

The first reading was passed on December 3.