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Increase in Fish Numbers Helping Local Lakes

Buffalo Springs Lake is reporting an increase in fish numbers following years of drought.

“Definitely, there’s been an increase this year,” says Camille Greenfield, promotions and events director for Buffalo Springs Lake. “We’ve had so much rain, and so much sunny weather that people just want to come out and enjoy their day.”

“Our fish numbers have grown,” says Greenfield. “We have one guy in particular out here who fishes almost every day, and gives us his fish update. In the last few months, he’s caught and released about 500 largemouth bass.”

“Parks and Wildlife does a great job of stocking the lake,” Greenfield says. “In late May they brought about 8,000 hybrid striped bass out here. As the lake is growing and the weather’s getting good, the rain, it’s definitely helped maintain everything.”

Other residents have found mixed results. “I love to fish, so I came out to catch some fish,” says Lubbock resident Annie White. White has been fishing at Buffalo Springs lake since the late 1960s.

“I don’t think there’s more. I was having pretty good luck before the rain, but my fish were larger,” she says.

It’s hit or miss. It’s average,” says resident Joe Lara, who was spending the day with his family from California. “Depends on your luck- we caught four. Well, my granddaughters caught four. I didn’t catch nothing.”

“Comparing to last year, it’s a dramatic growth. With all the rain, it’s been a blessing,” says Greenfield.

“I’m hoping they keep biting,” White says.