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Iraan Community Remembers Cheerleader Sponsor Liz Pope, Killed in Big Spring Crash

The tragic death of Iraan’s Liz Pope is something Iraan-Sheffield’s Superintendent Kevin Allen said is a first for the small community, now he’s asking all of West Texas to pray for Iraan.

“She loved working with the girls, she loved her job at the elementary, she loved the school district, she loved the community…her whole life was Iraan.” he said.

Nora Martinez graduated in 2014 from Iraan High School and calls herself an “Ex-Brave”, she said her three years as cheerleader were filled with memories of Liz Pope always supporting the squad as a Cheerleader Sponsor with her sister Christina Garlock.

She said she will remember Pope as a cheerful person who always had a smile on her face.

“On the busses we would jam to music, and she would laugh with us and we would joke around and she would help us get ready, and she was just a wonderful person to be around, always laughing, always dancing…”

Superintendent Allen said the district will have normal school hours on Monday, however the main focus will be promoting grieving and healing.

“We will be doing some grievance counseling, with small group and individuals, and I’ve contacted Region-18, and they’re getting counselors from other schools to come so we can cover this.”

He said in this time of grieving he wants Iraan students to remember the importance of not dismissing their emotions.

“It’s ok to grieve, that’s the only way we’re going to get over this.”

Allen  asked the community to remember the six girls who were in the van at the time of the accident by lifting them-up in prayer, he said the six are in, “good condition, with no major injuries.”

Pope’s sister Christina Garlock is the head Cheerleader Sponsor and was driving the bus, Allen said se is being treated at a Lubbock hospital for several injures including broken bones in serious condition.

(Information from YourBasin.com)