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January 2016 First Friday Art Trail at the Buddy Holly Center

Friday, January 6, 2017, the Buddy Holly Center invites the community to participate in Lubbock’s First Friday Art Trail, a program of LHUCA (the Louise Hopkins Underwood Center for the Arts). Held on the first Friday of every month in venues around the city, galleries, restaurants and businesses open FREE of charge to display local and regional visual and performing art. A free trolley service to and from venues will be offered in the downtown area.

The First Friday Art Trail works to promote art and outreach within the community of Lubbock by providing an opportunity to enjoy fine art and entertainment.

Friday, January 6, 2017
6:00 – 9:00pm
FREE admission
Cash bar and refreshments will be available.

For more information on the First Friday Art Trail visit www.ffat.org.

Exhibitions at the Buddy Holly Center:
Human/Animal/Allegorical: The Bronze Sculpture of Garland Weeks will be on display in the Fine Arts Gallery. Weeks graduated from Texas Tech University with an Agricultural Economics degree in 1967. He began sculpting as a hobby in 1970 and continued to moonlight in this activity while he was actively engaged in the cattle feeding industry. He took the plunge into making art full time in 1978 and has never looked back. Weeks delights in the natural forms, emotions and nuances of Mother Nature, which act as constant sources of inspiration for his sculptures.  Referred to as the “Sculptor of the West”, Weeks is one the nation’s most acclaimed contemporary figurative sculptors. The exhibition will be on display until February 12, 2017.

(News release from the City of Lubbock)