On Wednesday morning, Daytron Deon Hood, 20, of Lubbock was sentenced to five years in prison.  Hood will get credit for time already served in jail which was roughly three years.

Hood was charged with aggravated assault and aggravated robbery. 

In the aggravated assault case dating back to January 21, 2013, a police report accused Hood of firing a gun into a crowd of people.  The bullet went into a house and struck a woman in the back. 

In the aggravated robbery case, Hood and another man were accused of robbing a man of his wallet and phone at 18th and Avenue J on July 11, 2014.

Judge William R. Eichman told Hood he would be facing a much longer sentence if it were not for the good work of his defense lawyer.  The judge said Hood was a young man and described it as an opportunity for Hood to turn his life around.