On Saturday, the City of Lubbock will go through elections, and one of the big ticket items is what to do with the coliseum. But there are still some questions on what it means if the public votes “no” to abandoning the coliseum. 
To get the facts straight, the vote isn’t necessarily about the saving the coliseum forever. Even if the vote is “no” against abandoning the building, it doesn’t guarantee it will be renovated or even used more. It will just delay the process before the City Council goes back to the drawing board to assess the use of the building. 
“We are excited, we hope that people will get out and vote,” said City Councilman Jeff Griffith. 
If the city votes “yes” to abandon the coliseum, it means the keys and the responsibility will be handed back to Texas Tech. But if the city votes “no” to the abandonment, it won’t change much. 
“What that really means is that nothing changes as far as the city continuing to own the land and own the buildings. So, we would as a council reassess the thought of does the community really want to put $15 million or greater into those dated and tired facilities,” said Griffith.
Griffith said the only way to renovate the coliseum would be with an increase in taxes, something the council doesn’t want to do.
“If citizens pushed to renovate, then we could vote to bring it to a citywide vote and create a bond election that would raise taxes to help pay for the $15 to $20 million renovation,” he said. 
City Council said right now the coliseum is losing the city money. And to Griffith, it’s not worth it. 
“We always learn from history, but the bottom line is were not dealing with yesterday. What happened is the past, it’s gone. We’re here to do what we can to make a better Lubbock tomorrow,” he said. “That’s what this is about the future, with the Buddy Holly Hall, and the United Supermarkets Arena, it’s usage is very limited.”
Either way you want to vote, the city hopes you turn out to have your voice heard. Polls open at 7 a.m. and close at 7 p.m. Saturday.
CLICK HERE for list of voting locations.