Michael Crow and Daniel King met in Midland about 12 years ago, and have been friends ever since. When Crow got the news of Daniel’s death at the Commander’s Palace mobile home, he was in shock.

“He [Daniel] had a great sense of humor, and had a good outlook on life,” Crow said, “[He] wanted to do things to make a community better.”

Devastated is how Crow described his initial reaction.

“He always had a smile. It was contagious. You couldn’t help but smile when you were around him, because he was smiling…Everywhere he went, I was almost there too.”

King owned a taxi company, and his friend thinks it could have played a role.

“The amount of people that Daniel would pick up off the street…there’s no telling who did this,” Crow said, “It’s an awful thing for something like this to happen to a person.”

Crow said he’s still wondering what happened to Daniel, and who his enemies were in the first place.

“Somehow or another we always stayed in contact…it’s going to be different because I won’t hear from him ever again. I’ll always miss Daniel.”