Michael and Heidi Metzler have been volunteers for CASA of the South Plains for the past year.

They have four children of their own but they’re all grown up. 

The Metzlers felt like they needed to do something to give back to the community that involved children and CASA was the perfect fit.

“When the children are removed from their home for some reason the court will appoint someone to be with them through all of their time with CPS,” Heidi Metzler explains. “There are a lot of kids in the court system that need someone to follow them and help them and someone stands up for them.”

As CASA volunteers, the Metzlers listen to the children and hear what they have to say.

“It’s very fulfilling because you see the children, you see their needs, you feel like you can make an impact in their lives,” said Michael. 

But it can be tough.

“You see kids who are in situations that you would never want your kids to be in,” Heidi said. “They’re removed from their house, their friends, their school, everyone they know. You just know that they’re hurting and you hurt for them.”

That’s why more volunteers like the Metzlers are needed to help when no one else can.

“It makes you feel good,” Michael said.

“It’s really a privilege to work with them and these kids are great,” Heidi said.

Unfortunately there are so many kids who want advocates and there aren’t enough to go around.

That’s where you come in.

CASA is in need of volunteers.

The organization’s goal is to have 35 more volunteers by the end of July.

Contact them at (806) 763-2272 to find out more information, or click here.