The church sign outside of a Lubbock church could be taken out of context if the meaning isn’t explained.
Dr.Francesca Di Poppa, a philosopher professor, said she took a different approach to this week’s church service at First Unitarian Universalist Church of Lubbock, discussing her meaning of truth.
“The free and responsible search of truth and meaning is actually the guiding principal behind the service on bulls**t,” Di Poppa said.
She said the entire service is referencing a book by the philosopher Harry Frankfurt entitled ‘On Bulls**t.’
Di Poppa said her discussion focused on the different distinctions between lying and the truth.
“In order to be a good liar you have to have a pretty solid respect for the truth,” Di Poppa said.
She said she recognizes that putting it on a church marquee might have been a bit controversial, but wanted everyone to know she was referencing a book by a famous philosopher.
“From now on we will be more careful with what we put on the marquee and we’ll make sure that it’s the message we want people to get,” Di Poppa said.
They realize their church stands just a few feet away from a school, she said.
“It can be a good teaching moment or it can be a way to make their children more suspicious of outsiders,” Di Poppa said.
She wants to convey a message of transparency and not hiding one’s agenda.
“We probably should’ve been more mindful and I think we’ve learned that lesson, we will be careful of what we put on the marquee and we’ll make sure that it’s the message we want people to get,”
she said.
Di Poppa said she invites anyone to participate in this conversation and learn more about her message.
“You will sit and you will hear something and you will absolutely not be required to agree with what you hear,” Di Poppa said.