On Wednesday, Lubbock High School was broken into and had another John Deere Gator stolen from restricted athletic property.

A couple weeks prior, the same incident took place at the Lubbock High Baseball facility.

“[It is] repeat offenders and it looks like someone who knows Lubbock High Football very very well,” Jason Strunk, Lubbock High School Athletic Director said.

The piece of equipment is vital to athletic trainer, Anthony Peppers, who consistently takes care of the Westerners athletes.

“It aids in doing a lot of stuff here at Chapman Field,” Peppers said. “We use it to remove injured athletes off the field, get them into the training room for treatment, take out athletic equipment and for practices and games.”

Strunk added he believes there is about $20,000 in damages between the last two incidents.

The burglary is still an on-going investigation. LISD Police Chief Jody Scrifres asks if anyone knows anything to please call Crime Line at 741-1000.