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MedMinute: Americans not getting enough exercise

LUBBOCK, Texas– Since federal physical activity guidelines were established in 2008, more American adults are meeting them, but overall, the numbers are still low. The CDC said only 25% of urban Americans were getting the recommended amount of aerobic and muscle-strengthening activity per week. That number drops to just 20% for rural Americans. 

The CDC said prostate cancer deaths among American men have dropped significantly over the past 18 years. Non-Hispanic, black males remain the group most at risk of dying from the disease.

Anew study concluded that excess weight and body fat actually cause cardiovascular disease, rather than just being associated with it. Researchers in Sweden studied 96 genetic variants that have to do with BMI and body fat. They found as body mass index increases, so does the risk for a number of heart and blood vessel diseases. 

1. CDC
2. CDC
3. European Heart Journal