The mother of a two-year-old boy with special needs received a message about her son last week that had a lot of people upset.

Imani Omondi was a micro-premature baby, born at 24 weeks old, weighing one and a half pounds.

After a conflict with a local business, Imani’s mother Adriana got an unwelcome message.

“I received an ugly text text message, calling my son retarded,” Omondi said.

It was impossible to track the mysterious person, because they used an app called ‘Text Me’ that generates fake numbers.

“It was very heartbreaking, and I felt that it needed to be posted out there,” Omondi said.

The Mom shared a screenshot of the text and a video of her son that went viral on Facebook, and people across the country started sending messages of support.

“At first I was really upset, but then something so positive came out of this, and I don’t know if you’ve looked at this video, but it’s been viewed like 46,000 times across the country, so that’s just amazing.”

She said she believes standing up for her son is very important.

“Stand up for  your kids, they’re going to be bullied, they’re different, and that’s perfectly fine, but just stand up for your kids and love them as much as you can.”

On Wednesday, a happy ending. Imani was honored at the March of Dimes luncheon.

“Imani is disabled, and he’s handicapped, but he’s also very loved,” Omondi said, “He’s a big inspiration for us, he’s loved by a lot of people, his nurses, our family, and he keeps us together. He’s the glue that holds our family together.”