Ashley Wilkerson’s brother, John Wilkerson, was murdered in his driveway in 2007. Ten years later, a jury found Earl Washington guilty for his murder. Washington was sentenced to 70 years in prison Wednesday.

“No one really wins when one father is dead and another father is incarcerated,” Wilkerson said.

The family said this trial only pointed to a much bigger issue within their community.

“We’ve been saying from the beginning, we’re advocates of peace and love. And I’d like to encourage any other young brothers out there that are easily provoked, to take a deep breath before you act,” Wilkerson said, “Because there are consequences for your actions. It may look glamorous right now, but being locked up for the rest of your life away from your family, or being dead is not a pretty sight.”

It’s because of this culture the family planned to create the “John John” scholarship fund.

“It would do my heart good to see a recipient from the East side, another young black male receive that scholarship and maybe go to college,” Wilkerson said.

The family said they hope their painful experience will make young people think twice before engaging in violence.

“[We need to] start figuring out a better way of how we can help these young men like the defendant, like my brother, before they get in these type of situations,” Wilkerson’s Sister Kevie Wilkerson said.

“There’s no win situation here. There’s better things we can do with our lives,” the victim’s father John Wilkerson said, “We need to start policing ourselves so authorities don’t have to.”