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Wish Wednesday: Caleb Becomes a Dallas Cowboys Football Player

Caleb’s one true wish was to be a Dallas Cowboy. That wish came true recently when he signed a contract making it official. 

“Here’s Jason Whitten right here, lunch with him Iate,” said Caleb Gentry, our special Wish Kid. 

Whitten, Zeke and Dak are just a few of the players Caleb watches every Sunday on television.

On his special day, he got to hang out with the players at AT&T Stadium in Arlington. 

“I got to play with Zeke Elliot, have to get first down and touchdown,” Caleb also said.

Before the game he toured the Cowboys practice facility, the Star. That’s where he met with his agent and went over the contract.

“I signed the contract, got an autograph from a Hall of Famer Payton Manning.” said Caleb.

Now that Caleb’s was made official Cowboys player, it was time to him to hit the field with a few of his favorites.

“What amazed me, of course you have this persona of how professional football players are. These guys acted like it was a privilege to be with our boys. There was not any rolling of the dice ‘hey I have to do this.’ They were saying hey buddy come here, come here and lets play catch. Or lets do this or lets do that. They were just welcoming.” said Jan Hinkle, Caleb’s mom

Caleb’s wish experience was much more than he and his parents could ever have imagined.

“And then they picked us up in the limo to take us to the Star. I mean just above and beyond everywhere we went. It was like a red carpet was rolled out for us. When they say we have these volunteers these people that have given and funded the make a wish, they make dreams come true.” Caleb’s mom said. 

For his parents, watching Caleb live out his dreams, was the best moment of the trip.

“As a mom that’s watching him struggle from day one. It was just beyond words. It was just like it was a blessing all i can say truly a blessing and pure joy to see him at the game it was a blessing,” she also said. 

If you’d like to get involved with the Make-A-Wish Foundation just give them a call at 806-785-9474.