It’s a Littlefield High School tradition more than 50 years in the making: a cake auction, benefiting the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

This year the students and staff raised more than $7,100. The icing on all that cake was getting a chance to tell Madison she’s going to Disney World.

Life has been challenging for Madison. She suffered a traumatic brain injury when she was little.

“She was involved in a car accident back in 2013,” Madison’s dad, Esteban Pacheco, said. “It was a traumatic head injury, which she hit the left side of her brain. It caused damage to both sides of her brain, causing her to have these disabilities.”

When the students at Littlefield High School heard about Madison, they wanted all her friends to be there for the surprise.

Her kindergarten class was also in the audience.

“It’s really important for her. She’s been with those kids since pre-k. She’s grown up with them. They all love her, and she loves them,” said Pacheco.

Her friends cheered her on as she participates in all the games.

The Littlefield Student Council organized the surprise, with every single student doing something to make sure Madison had a great time.

“It took a while with decorations. We had the whole school helping us decorate. A lot of us going through Pinterest to try and find games.” said Courtney Reed, president of the student council.

These students know they’re making a difference.

“It was amazing, it was truly it was definitely a heart to heart,” said Reed.

If you’d like to get involved with the Make-A-Wish Foundation, just give them a call at 806-785-9474.