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Auto theft at a high in July

LUBBOCK, Texas — According to the South Plains Auto Task Force, July is the month where Lubbock sees the most vehicle thefts.

Jay Truelock, Chief Investigator at South Plains Auto Task Force, said there’s even specific vehicles that thieves are after more than others.

“The F 250 and 350, there’s more space to haul human trafficking, drugs, money,” Truelock said. “So that’s why they’re high, and basically Chevrolet and Dodge are stepping up to that same point.”

Tiffany Taylor with the Lubbock Police Department said the most common way vehicles are stolen is because the owner left the keys inside.

“Last year alone there were nearly 500 vehicles stolen in Lubbock that had the keys left inside of them,” Taylor said.

Taylor said although theft can be at a high during the summer, LPD does recover a lot of stolen vehicles.

“So far this year about 630 vehicles were reported stolen,” Taylor said. “And LPD has recovered 650. We see sometimes they’ll recover vehicles in Lubbock that were reported stolen outside the region, and it could also be vehicles that were stolen in previous years.”