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Church Steeple Leaning After Strong Storm Knocks It Off It’s Base

We all know West Texas winds can pack a punch. One church’s steeple was affected after the most recent storm early Monday morning. 

Faith Christian Family Church is dealing with a crooked steeple and will have to pay an estimated $5,000 insurance deductible to get it fixed. 

The steeple is connected by a metal cord that attaches the steeple to the building. 

The founding pastor said it’s been hard handling the damages. 

“It’s not like a normal everyday broken window, so we just filed a claim with our insurance company,” said Shelly Swann. “We’ll just wait on them and see what they say and what they’ll cover and do.”

Swann is hoping to fix the steeple as soon as possible. 

“We don’t know the extent of the damage with the base,” Swann said. “It’s a little difficult to climb up there and look and unsafe. So when they come out and do the official inspection then we’ll know our next steps then.”

The pastor said that the congregation and neighbors have been very vocal about the crooked steeple. She expects it to be the topic of the day this upcoming Sunday morning.