Citizens are getting closer to having their roads fixed after Lubbock County Commisioners voted to have an election on an almost 100 million bond this May. While many residents and city leaders spoke out in favor of the bond, others say it’s being pushed through too quickly without thinking of possible consequences.
“They’re making this out to be almost like an emergency, like we have to do it right this minute,” said Mikel Ward, a concerned citizen. “We need to know what the funds will look like before making a decision.”
In a vote to 3-2, county comissioners approving a $99.6 million dollar bond for road improvements, something county leaders say is long overdue.
“We are finally looking at a comprehensive plan to take care of the roads in Lubbock County,” said Curtis Parish, Lubbock County Judge. “We have been working on this for over a year now so I would say we are well-prepared.”
Commissioners Jason Corley and Chad Seay voted against the bond election, saying it should be delayed until November as they need more time to iron the details.
“I want us to go through a budget cycle, we are fairly new to the Court, and I believe would be best to wait until more information comes out,” Corley said.
The bond plans to widen several county roads including Woodrow Road. Should it pass, a plan is already being made with how the county will use the money to prioritize roads.
“We’ve already identified what we call the tier one projects,” Parish said. “These are projects that require our immediate attention and will be passed along to the Lubbock voters.”
They May election will be on Saturday May 4th with early voting starting April 22nd.