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Family searching for UPS driver who honored their father

On February 23, 2019, the Rumsey family lost their father, Norris Rumsey to congestive heart failure. On the way to bury Norris, the family saw something on the side of the road that caught their eye. 

Stacy Rumsey, Norris’s daughter-in-law, said they saw a UPS driver that pulled over, stopped traffic, and got out of his truck to pay his respects to the funeral procession. 

“We all noticed the UPS driver that had taken time out of his work day to stop on the side of the road,” Stacy Rumsey said. “And echo exactly what we had all been talking about all week in reflecting on my father in law.”

The family said they snapped a picture of the man standing next to his truck with his hat over his chest. 

Norris’s son, Raymond Rumsey, said right now is a really hard time for his family, and seeing that sign of respect was something he said the whole family needed. 

“He’s serving in a way he doesn’t even realize how many lives and hearts he’s touching,” Raymond Rumsey said. 

Raymond’s wife, Jennifer Rumsey, said now the family just wants to find this man and thank him for his act of kindness. 

“That wasn’t something I think he did to get attention,” Jennifer Rumsey said. “He just knew it was the right thing to do.” 

Jennifer Rumsey said she hopes through sharing their story, that this can encourage others to take time out of their day to serve others. 

“In that kind of a job he could have just kept going on because his day isn’t’ finished until he gets that truck unloaded,” Jennifer said. “For him to get out of his truck and to be brave stopping that traffic that definitely says he’s a man of character.”