The United Supermarkets Arena is home to the Red Raiders and also a place of prayer for many of the players.
FCA Chaplain for Texas Tech men’s athletics Corbin Young says several of the athletes were involved with FCA including Jarrett Culver, Norense Odiase and Matt Mooney. When Mooney joined the team he said one of his first questions was,”When’s bible study?” Through Mooney’s leadership they started meeting in the players lounge at the USA. During the season Young stayed intouch with the players sending them daily devotionals and words of encouragement.
“Most of this team, especially the leaders of this team, faith plays a big part in who they are and their identity,” he said.
“It’s an amazing group of guys. It’s voluntary what we do with FCA, but everyone of them want it. Just like they want extra shots in the gym, physically they’re putting in the extra work to be where they’re at, mentally they’re putting in extra work, academically, but they want to invest in themselves spiritually. They are a strong group in their faith,” said Young.
Young sent them Joshua 1:9 as their daily devotional the day of the National Championship game.