David Leake of Dave’s Dog-Gone Paintings said he started murals and other art after he retired, but accidently fell into painting dogs.

“‘I started back to oil painting after I retired from the advertising business. One of the things I wanted to do was to help out the Boys and Girls Club. I started doing some paintings of kids and the Boy’s Club buildings and accidentally painted a dog and my friend saw the painting and said ‘Oh you’ve got to paint my dog,’” David Leake, said.

Leake said he does other art that is placed in galleries across the country but he really enjoys the reaction of pet owners after he finishes their dogs mural.

“Unfortunately I do a lot of paintings where the dogs aren’t with us anymore and those are special paintings and it’s something special for the folks that have lost their dogs. The dogs give their owners so much,” Leake said.

If you want your dog painted by Leake you can visit his website here.