A local mom is frustrated after a security guard at the Social Security Administration Office in Lubbock asked her to breastfeed in the bathroom.
“The security guard looks back to the back and goes ‘well can’t you just go to the bathroom’ I was like really? Ok, ya sure,” Rosana Wheeler said.
Wheeler said she had been waiting for nearly two hours at the office when her 5-month-old baby became fussy. She said she asked the officer if she could breastfeed in a booth near the waiting area and that’s when he pointed her to the bathroom.
“I just took my kids back there and nursed my 5 month old on the toilet while fighting with my three year old in the stall, so nobody would see me and I wouldn’t offend anybody feeding my child,” Wheeler said.
Alexa Adams, a local Lactation Consultant supports Wheeler and said in situations like these, mothers need to stick up for their legal rights.
“We just tell them legally they have a law to support. If they’re comfortable breastfeeding they are allowed to and they can breastfeed anywhere that mom and baby is allowed to be,” Adams said.
We reached out to the Social Security Administration and they said they couldn’t make a comment on the situation.
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