Karlee and Kassidy Hegi were born at a combined weight of three pounds, and spent the first three months of their life in the NICU fighting for their life. The doctors told the Hegi family to expect the girls to have various health complications if they survived. In May, the girls will graduate from Abernathy High School, but not before they take one last go at the Fort Worth Stock Show.
The girls have competed in various sports throughout their life, but stock shows have always been something the family enjoyed doing together. For many years going to stock shows were a form of vacation for the Hegi family.
“The family aspect of stock showing is probably the best part of stock shows,” Becky Hegi said. “For me as a mom, we get to spend a lot of family time together.”
The twins mother said the girls started off extremely small and had a lot of catching up to do, but stock shows were always something that they could do, and do them well. This year at the Hale County Stock Show, Kassidy took home the Grand Champion Steer and Karlee took home the Grand Champion Lamb.
The girls have shown for 10 years, and they said that being involved in the FFA and competing in stock shows have taught them lessons you cannot learn in a classroom.
“It takes a lot of hard work, dedication and patience,” Kassidy said. “It’s nice to know that at the end of the day no matter the results of the show, that my best friend will always be there for me.”
“It has taught us to never give up no matter what the circumstances are and keep trying even if the cards don’t fall right for you,” Karlee said.
The girls may end up going to different colleges next year, but they said sharing these memories together will last a lifetime.