The Lubbock Community Theatre is putting on a production of “The Addams Family.” The show opens at the Louise Hopkins Underwood Center for the Arts on October 7 and has six shows through October 15. 

This show is based on the original comic strips by Charles Addams. It is an original story which follows Wednesday Addams as she falls in love with a normal boy and asks her father to keep it a secret from her mother. 

This musical comedy is directed by Heather May and features a cast of local talent. Francisco Rendon plays Gomez and said attendees can expect the same familiar costumes and faces of the characters along with some recognizable songs.

“You just do not want to miss this,” Rendon said. “It’s just a phenomenal show with high energy, great dancing, great singing and great acting. It’s just fun to see especially around this time of year.”

Tickets to The Addams Family start at $25 and go down from there.