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Lubbock Mother Looks For Good Samaritan Who Helped Her Son Find His Way Home

Lubbock mother, Trisha Alvarado is trying to track down the good Samaritan who helped her six year old son Ian find his way home when he wandered off from his afterschool pick up location.

Alvarado said it happened Monday afternoon near Roberts Elementary where her son was seconds away from crossing on 82-nd street.

“I mean we are always telling our kids don’t get in the car with a stranger, and thank God it was a blessing, he was put there in the right place at the right time,” Alvarado said. “If my son had crossed that street I don’t even want to think about what would’ve happened,”

She said her son got nervous when he didn’t see his grandparents in the pickup loop, and he began nervously walking toward 82-nd street, getting ready to cross. She said it was then a random man pulled over and helped her son.

“According to my son, he asked him ‘Are you okay? Do you need help?’ and my son said yes, and told him his address and the man got him home safely,” Alvarado said.

Roberts Elementary immediately started trying to find the boy, and looked at their footage to see he initially walked off with a group. Their spokesperson, Nancy Sharp told everythinglubbock that although this situation is tragic they are thankful for the kind man that helped this little boy home.

“We just want to find this man, we are so grateful, we just want o say with all our heart thank you like I said it could have been a tragedy, I don’t know what the traffic looked like at that time,” Alvarado said.

The school said they will also be reminding their students about safety regulations, and not to wander away from the school without a safe ride home.