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Lubbock police cracking down on juveniles breaking curfew

LUBBOCK, Texas — Lubbock Police are cracking down on juveniles breaking curfew, issuing 50 citations just this year. The curfew has been used for more than 20 years, but it was only the beginning of this year that it was widely enforced.

“It is a tool for us to deter juveniles from running around in the middle of the night, and so far it has proven to be pretty successful,” said Jerry Brewer, Interim Chief of Police. “The ordinance also allows us to track down kids that have snuck out from their parents.”

According to police, citations up to $500 can be issued to those breaking the curfew, and community hours given to those who break curfew. 

Should any adults or businesses be aiding teens to stay out late, Brewer said there are consequences.

“We will write a citation for parents who know their juveniles are out, but do nothing to stop it,” Brewer said. “Until we get a zero number of kids out and about, we will continue to use this tool to intercede before they get into trouble.”

The curfew ordinance has to be renewed every three years by the city. Next Tuesday the City Council will vote on whether they are keeping it or not.