Over the past two years, Lubbock residents have been working together to get a city funded public dog park. Local dog owner, Aaron Lackey, has even put together a Facebook group and Change.org webpage.
“Just creating that Facebook page, I have had people message me saying ‘this is such a great idea, I would love something like this,”’ said Lackey.
Lackey says he has been in contact with the City of Lubbock Parks and Rec and says they have told him in the past that the irrigation for a dog park would be too expensive. But Lackey says irrigation upkeep wouldn’t be needed for the park.
“When you have a big dog park, you have hundreds of people coming in everyday running on the grass, you don’t need irrigation, it will just die anyway. Dogs don’t care if there is grass they just want a place to run,” said Lackey.
Another local dog owner, Kate Lewis, agrees with Lackey and says this would be great for the Hub City.      
“It would be good for all the dogs, especially the dog parents who want to get their dogs out of the house. I think that Lubbock is growing everyday, I think adding dog parks is just another step to growing this city,” said Lewis.

We reached out to the City of Lubbock Parks and Rec and they said, “We are going to submit a capital project for a dog park at Clapp Park again this budget session.”