Governor Greg Abbott signed House Bill 3921, a new Texas law that will make it easier for banks and financial agencies to report scams and alleged exploitation that is targeting elderly across the state.

Director Julie Krawczyk of the Dallas non-profit The Elder Financial Safety Center said this law will give the bank and staff protection from potential lawsuits and shed light on a growing issue that is directly impacting a large population in the state.

“In the state of Texas we are all mandate reporters except that front line banking staff, so now with this new law when they feel uncomfortable about a situation that is fraudulent, they have the opportunity to do something about it,” Krawczyk said. 

A resident of Raider Ranch Assisted Living, Peggy Clark said she receives unknown calls every single day. Other Resident, Durrell Gorman said she gets calls about free cruises, and hangs up. Activity Director, Stacy Acrey said unfortunately some of the residents don’t always end the call so easily. 

“A lot of the folks in this generation are very giving and they don’t realize what they’re doing is harmful,” Acrey said.

The Elder Financial Safety Center said they would like to see communities work together and eventually create some kind of database where victims of scamming can input information to prevent future incidents.