After voters said yes to the $99.6 million road bond, now construction will begin to fix county roads. Lubbock County Judge, Curtis Parrish, said they got the ball rolling after election day and now they’re implementing their Comprehensive Transportation Improvement Plan.
“Our Tier 1 plan. So what we are doing right now is identifying those projects that are 1. Ready to go immediately and 2. That will start in September when the bond money actually arrives in Lubbock County,” said Parrish.
Woodrow Road is on the list for the county roads makeover and people who drive on the street are breathing a sigh of relief. “Trying to get in and out. There’s never a big enough gap to get in and out,” said Shad Hines, a subcontractor who travels on Woodrow all the time.
Hines said the congestion is awful and it could get frustrating. “Traffic’s so heavy in the morning or when school’s out,” he said. “The cops have to direct traffic. If not, everyone’s stopping one at a time and like I said, it just backs up into the interstate and backs up almost to University.”
Parrish said some money from the bond, 5.1 million dollars, will get to Lubbock County in September. That money will focus on bigger projects like Woodrow Road, West 5th, and Indiana.
“That will pay for the engineering and environmental project for about 20 projects in the county,” said Parrish.
Parrish hopes this gives people, like Hines, a smooth morning and afternoon drive.
“Anytime I see an improvement on the road I think it’s great,” said Hines.