Built in 1925, The Fair Theatre is considered a famous staple to downtown Plainview. Initially a vaudeville show, downtown manager Melinda Browne said it has gone through different phases. 

“Like many theaters, it lost it’s luster throughout the 60’s and 70’s,” Brown said. “But with the help of the community and jail workers through a rehabilitation program the theatre was renovated and now holds many purposes.” 

The theatre allows local schools to have their productions there. They also host birthday and holiday parties, and have community movie days as well. Browne said the theatre has even been touched by the stars, and that they have a walk of fame right outside it’s doors. 

“We have an opera singer, Terry Cook who is originally from Plainview, Browne said. “We have singer song writer and famous person Jimmy Dean, and it also includes Nelda Laney as well as The Hutchinsons.” 

Inside the theatre itself provides for a classic and historical venue, it sits four hundred people on the bottom floor and one hundred in the balconies.

“Those gold molds were actually brought in from Chicago to look as original as when the theatre was initially done in the 20s” Borne said.