Anytime the temperature drops below 30, the homeless population is considered in danger, often because they are sleeping outside and do not have proper protection from the cold weather.
During that time, the Salvation Army sends out their Disaster Alert Response Team, or ‘Dart.”
Doug Triplett said he has been serving with the DART team for six years, and never spent much thought on helping the homeless, until the issue began to impact his life.
“My idea of helping the homeless was not quite so generous until I had it in my own family,” Triplett said.
Triplett said his team will make several stops throughout Lubbock and hand out scarves, coats, blankets, gloves, hot chocolate, and warm meals, but keeping people warm and fed is not their only goal.
“Our main goal is to get them to come back with us to the Salvation Army where we have a shelter and can put them up,” Triplett said.
Triplett said at the shelter there are washing machines, showers and meals that will be provided.
“If somebody is out there and needs a helping hand you reach down and give them a helping hand period,” Triplett said.
Betty Anderson said she recently started volunteering with the DART team because she could not stand the idea that there were people out freezing.
“I just encourage everybody to do it it’s not only good for our community but it’s good for our own hearts,” Anderson said.
The Salvation Army is always accepting donations, and Triplett said if you are interested in volunteering, to head over to their location at 1111 16th St, Lubbock, TX 79401 .