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Stolen Car Returned To Owner But All Of Her Items Inside Were Missing

A family in Lubbock is relieved after police located their stolen 2013 Ford Taurus.

Lubbock Police said a patrol officer was checking license plates for stolen vehicles and expired registrations near 74th Street and University when the officer ran the plates for the 2013 Ford Taurus. The officer then conducted a traffic stop, once the car stopped the driver and the front passenger ran off. The two passengers in the backseat stayed in the car.

Police said they arrested three of the four suspects in the vehicle but they still haven’t caught the driver.

Barbara Rogers, the owner of the vehicle said when she received the car back it was trashed.

“Well it looks like they went to every 7-Eleven and Stripes, wherever. There was all kinds of trash in it and it smells like they had smoked something that isn’t good. We will get it checked out, but everything I had in it was gone,” Rogers said.

Rogers said she had left her wallet and social security card in her purse in the car and when the car was found all of those items were missing.

“The officer told me for the next seven years I have to go to the social security office before I file my taxes,” Rogers said.