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Texas Tech Opens New ‘Modern’ Residence Halls

Today, August 9th, Texas Tech held the ribbon cutting ceremony for the newest on-campus residence hall. The Honors Residence Hall will be holding 315 incoming and current honors students.

“Texas Tech has been growing dynamically the past few years and we knew we needed more on campus housing. This was a great opportunity to create a facility that supports the academic mission of the college, the honors college and honors housing and the last time it was worked on honors housing was 1986, so it’s time for something new,” Sean Duggan, the Managing Director of Housing at Texas Tech said.

Duggan said this housing is a little bit different compared to others on campus. He said this is designed to have smaller communities within the dorm.

“We wanted to do something more modern so we built smaller communities within the hallways. Its anywhere between 12-18 students, so these students share the bathrooms, showers and study areas in these smaller groups instead of one big long hallway. So it holds the same amount of students in a different format,” Duggan said.