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Tire Slasher Caught On Video

After a recent move into a new neighborhood, Texas Tech Junior Blake Sanders, said he and is roommate have had both of their cars broken into and now all of his tires are slashed.

“He comes over and has an ice pick and literally just puts holes all around,” Sanders said.

All caught on video surveillance tape, Sanders said he and his roommate left for 20 minutes to go grab dinner and when they came back all of his tires were slowly letting out air.

“I was stunned, I thought maybe I had run over a nail at first but then I realized it was all four tires. I checked the security system and realized someone is out to get me,” Sanders said.

The suspect also left a note in the mailbox of the home.

“I don’t know we found it the next day and the note said MOVE! I don’t know what to think about that but all live talked to the neighbors I don’t think its anyone on this street,” Sanders said.

He is looking for the public’s help to recognize the suspect, if you have any information you’re encouraged to contact Police or Sanders himself.