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Trash Build Up Near Maxey Park

Neighbors are complaining that there is an excessive amount of trash building up in Maxey Park near the water. 

Neighbors are organizing to clean up the park if the city doesn’t do it first. The Lubbock Parks and Recreation Department was unavailable for an interview but told us in a statement that they work hard to keep Lubbock Parks clean. 

“Unfortunately, this is a common scenario during the summer,” said the director of the Parks and Rec department Bridget Faulkenberry. “When it rains, trash and debris are washed into playa lakes. Parks Maintenance staff usually removes trash at parks in the afternoon when parks are used less due to heat.”

Neighbors say that the trash has been a problem for awhile. 

“We’ve tried to fish here, different parts around the park and we end up moving,” said a park visitor John Chaka. “It just looks gross, it’s just sad. You just wish it didn’t have to be this way.”

Residents say that the trash seems to be all over and is becoming unsanitary for children to visit. 

“I’ve seen like full blown meals from fast food place just sitting on the bench,” said Chaka. “I saw a carp on the benches the other day that someone caught and just left on the bench.”

There are several trash cans in multiple locations in the park area. 

Although neighbors are upset, they do admit that some of the trash at the park is their responsibility.

“I’m sure that more people share the same opinion that if they could clean a little bit more that would be great but also the people need to clean too. It goes both ways,” said another park visitor Jannice Vanzee.

Lubbock Parks and Recreation has maintenance staff, county inmate crews and contractors that work with them to keep the parks clean but sometimes it’s still not enough. They welcome any community groups who want to organize clean up events to do so. 

If you wish to report something to city parks, you can call the department at 775-2687.