LUBBOCK, Texas – Dozens of Make-A-Wish kids spent an evening hanging out together and using their creativity – all in an effort to help raise money for the organization that has done so much for them.
They range from kids who come back year-after-year to help raise money for Make-A-Wish, to families who are new to the program.
“This is Hannah Joy, and she is seven. She has Rett Syndrome a rare disease. She understands everything thing, she loves life, she’s so full of joy.” said Denay Hooks, Hannah’s mom.
Hannah recently met with her wish granters and chose Disney World as her destination – something fellow wish kid Annabeth knows a little something about.
“It was so much fun. My favorite part was meeting Elsa and Anna. Make sure you ride all the rides, well I didn’t but I know some of them will be fun.” said Annabeth Smith, Wish Kid.
Of course, this day is all about creating. This art work will soon be auctioned off to help raise money to send other kids on their wishes. Last year, Annabeth was the star of the Waltzing for Wishes gala, dancing with her dad. “It was pretty special, but he forgot some of the steps.” said Smith.
She’s back painting pink stars and meeting other wish kids, which is important for these families.
“I’m a big believer in inclusion and I believe the more Hannah is involved and the more children are involved with members of the community and they can see what is going on and what they’re giving to it’s so impactful on Lubbock.” said Hooks.
If you’d like to go to the gala, it’s April 27th and there are 12 tables still available. Just give Jessie a call at 806-416-5582 or click here to get your tickets.