Weekdays at 11:30 a.m. EST, Newsfeed Now will be streaming the latest updates on the coronavirus outbreak utilizing our newsrooms across the country. If you miss the live report, you’ll be able to see a replay minutes after the stream ends.

(KARK/NEXSTAR) – A record-long streak of U.S. job growth ended suddenly in March after nearly a decade as employers cut 701,000 jobs because of the viral outbreak that’s all but shut down the U.S. economy. The unemployment rate jumped to 4.4% from a 50-year low of 3.5%.

An unidentified carpenter cuts plywood to cover a closed store. (AP Photo/Elaine Thompson)

For the full story: CLICK HERE.

Other stories in today’s show:

VENTILATOR HELMETS: Ventilators are the number one tool for the sickest patients to battle COVID-19. A Chicago researcher has another idea to help the supply; helmets. WGN’s Dina Bair reports.

For the full story: CLICK HERE.

POSSIBLE TREATMENT: VCU Health is in the middle of conducting clinical trials for an experimental drug that could possibly treat COVID-19. WRIC’s Talya Cunningham joins the conversation.

For the full story: CLICK HERE.

SOCIAL DISTANCING: A father/son duo have gone viral on TIKTOK after building a ‘Social Distancing’ circle and documenting the entire process. WGNO’s Curtis Sprang joins the conversation.

For the full story: CLICK HERE.

Weekdays at 11:30 a.m. EST, Newsfeed Now will be streaming the latest updates on the coronavirus outbreak utilizing our newsrooms across the country. If you miss the live report, you’ll be able to see a replay minutes after the stream ends.