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Levelland Honors Pint Sized Superhero

Adelyn Franklin, 6, was honored by Levelland city leaders Friday afternoon for her role in helping stranded drivers during winter storm Goliath.

“I pulled people out of the snow and I wanted to pull people out of the snow,” Adelyn said.

Levelland was slammed with 15 inches of snow and even larger drifts, stranding many drivers out on the roads.

“My father-in-law and uncle were out pulling people out and said they were overwhelmed with people stuck and she [Adelyn] said, ‘why don’t we go out there and help,'” Adelyn’s dad Michael Franklin said.

Adelyn and her dad helped nearly 20 people that night.

“She wants to be a super hero and she stepped up and it helped her dad get out of the house and helped a lot of people step up to what we had to have done that day,” Levelland mayor Barbra Pinner said.
One of the people Adelyn helped just so happened to be the Levelland chief of police. 
“The funny thing is, after it was all said and done she sat there and looked at me and said, ‘dad, I’m pretty sure I pushed it all by myself,'” Michael said.
When news of Adelyn’s heroics got back to the city leaders they decided to honor her with little gifts, including her very own fire hat.
Adelyn had wanted to be a fire fighter since she saw a fire department presentation in pre-school.
Mayor Pinner also signed a declaration thanking not just Adelyn, but all of the citizens who helped out during the storm. 
“I’m proud of the citizens of Levelland for doing what they did in a time of turmoil,” Levelland Police Sgt. Daniel Hancock said. “Everyone to come together like that is real heartwarming.”