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LISD Students Use 3D Printers to Create Drones

Building a robot like BB-8 in Star Wars or a drone quadcopter are among the several student projects in the computer assisted drafting class with the Lubbock ISD’s Byron Martin Advanced Technology Center. 

As all good things begin with baby steps, so does this program: students begin the class using paper and drafting paper, then gradually work their way up to the computer as a tool for their work. Soon after, it’s time to use the 3D printer.

“This class has been good because it helps you with problem solving,” said Thomas Haverdink, a Lubbock High School senior who says his teachers are continuously encouraging his classmates to explore various problem solving sets and skills. “So, right now we are drawing BB-8 Robot from Star Wars. To 3D print it, we have to divide it to lots of pieces and figure out how to get the pieces to fit together.” 

Haverdink also shares that he’s confident he’ll be able to take what he’s learned through the program and apply it to college courses, and even future jobs. 

Nancy Sharp, executive director of communications and community relations, would also like to remind parents of LISD students that if you are outside LISD or inside the district, the transfer deadline is February 17 for magnet and specialty programs, as well as regular transfers.