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90’s Themed Bowling Fundraiser to Benefit Lubbock Families & Children Saturday Evening

Strikes for Tykes

7 p.m., Saturday, August 12, 2017

Whitewood Lanes, 3632 50th St, Lubbock, TX 79413

Join Community Partners of Lubbock for the third Strikes for Tykes, 90’s Edition, and help make a difference in the life of a Lubbock County child!

Community Partners of Lubbock, a nonprofit agency that supports Children’s Protective Services (CPS) and the families they serve, is holding Strikes for Tykes, a casual, fun bowling tournament at Whitewood Lanes, Saturday, August 12th at 7 p.m. Up to 32 team lanes are available. Teams are comprised of 4 individuals and team price is $350. Fiber Brite, Ltd. is the Lead sponsor and Vista Bank Outreach will be providing food.

CPS is the state agency mandated by law to handle allegations of child abuse and neglect. Proceeds from the event will help to fund the various projects overseen by Community Partners in support of the children and families helped by CPS:

  1. The Lubbock County Rainbow Room – A storeroom full of items needed by children involved with CPS, including clothing, school supplies, hygiene items, and other basic necessities. These items are available for CPS caseworkers to obtain for their clients free of charge, including emergency situations.
  2. Elf Drive – An annual event that provides holiday gifts for hundreds of Lubbock County kids in foster care.
  3. Adopt-a-Caseworker Program – A program designed to link community sponsors and resources with CPS caseworkers in order to meet needs not covered by state and federal funding.

Interested teams may contact Paige Belew at 806-778-4060 cell or by email at Paige.Belew@dfps.state.tx.us for advance registration. Checks can be made to Community Partners of Lubbock, a 501(c)(3) organization.

(News release from Community Partners of Lubbock)